Monday, November 21, 2011

Hero/Villain Playoff Challenge Part II- Rules Page.

The Playoff's Four Divisions: Comics, Movies/TV, Video Games, and Animation. 

Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen! Its been far too long, and honestly it feels good to put this together again. It is hard to come up with new players, since the last playoff really got all the “good” ones. But please enjoy it. If you have questions about any character, please feel free to view their links on various wiki pages, which will be provided.

The Arena- Six new combat domes have been built for the second Hero/Villain Playoff Challenge. Like before, each dome will be four square miles in area and will have a programmed hazard that will affect our combatants. This time, though, each one will be based on different periods of time. And, for the first time, our combatants will be joined by realistic, robotic beings resembling people and creatures from the time represented. Some will be peaceful and others very, very hostile.

Showdown- A Dome themed on cowboys and westerns.
Caribbean Cove- A Dome that's a Caribbean port city, complete with pirates.
Dragon Siege- A medieval themed Dome, with a castle and dragon.
Garden Party- A Dome based on the landscape and time period from Jane Austen style stories.

Two additional Domes will be revealed for the finalists and the last, championship match will take place in the original Dome, with a new theme, to be revealed later.

The Combatants- Once again, Playoff Challenge will consist of teams of a hero and their arch nemesis. Four divisions will be represented as well: Comics, Movies/TV, Video Games, and Animation.

The Rules-
1- The object of the match is to incapacitate both members of the opposite team. Incapacitate is literally translated: “Prevent from functioning in a normal way” . That could mean knock out, tie up, secure, or, if it happens, death. Death, however, is NOT the only way to win this match. That was a common misconception in the last playoff.
2-There is no option to not compete (ie: “So-and-so would never work with This-and-that!”). No matter how “out there” the team may be, for the sake of the match the team must work out.
3- In order for the team to receive a victory, BOTH TEAM MEMBERS must be standing at the end of the match. No “Lone Wolf” players. Therefore, if the other member appears to be weakening or faltering in any way, their team mate must defend them. A victory is called when both members of the other team are incapacitated. If a team member is killed, victory is automatically given to the team with two standing members.
4- Each team will have a base of operations. The base will be stocked with supplies and, when appropriate, an arsenal of weaponry and tools.
5- If the Match is unevenly matched certain handicaps can and will be made
6- There is no time limit for the match. They can last as long as it will take. (For the sake of moving things along, voting time limits will be made. Just keep in mind that there is no time limit for the physical match when deciding who you think would win.
7- If there is a draw, a new match will be designed, utilizing characters representing each team. Rules may vary on these tie-breakers.  

(The following rules apply to what would be happening in the arenas, if these matches were indeed real. This does not apply to the amount of time that the voting will be allowed to continue.)

Combat will start at dawn on the first day and continue until there is a winner. If a draw is called by the competing teams, a new match with the tie breakers will be assembled and put into effect immediately. The rules for tie-breaker matches may vary by match, depending on the combatants.

Most rules are general and each individual match may have slight changes in them, such as handicaps.   

Voting Rules-
1-Make your votes count! Defend your pick! Show that you know what your talking about and not just saying "Because they're my favorite!". A vote must either a) give an explanation for your vote. OR b) Cite another person's vote as an explanation. VOTES WITHOUT REASONING WILL NOT BE TALLIED!!!!!!!
2- Votes that disregard the handicaps or go against the set up for each team WILL NOT BE COUNTED unless corrected by the poster.
3- DO NOT VOTE ON THIS PAGE. Please do so on the individual matches. Thank you.
4- Myself, as the one creating each match, will not be allowed to vote on any match. I will argue the aspects of certain characters, but not in a way to invalidate the other.
(I will post my pick for the match. But after the official tally)
5- Let's get this out of the way now: “They're a ninja” is NOT a reason. It is a fact. But being a ninja is not a guarantee win. Ever. There needs to be an explanation beyond that.
6- As far as voting time goes, there will be two weeks of voting time for each match.

Justice League #3- Wonder Woman Joins the Battle!

 Justice League #3: A review.

DC's new Justice League's intro to Wonder Woman

Nice issue. Not quite as thrilling as the last two, but its introduction to Wonder Woman was very well-done. Including the reimagining of Steve Trevor.

Our story opens in DC, Colonel Steve Trevor is entering the room, looking quite concerned that Diana has disappeared. Immediately, we see that, like the other superheroes, Wonder Woman's public image is not very good. People seen in news reports are in a rage over her "pagan" background and her extreme ways (news reporters are heard discussing her "skewering" people). Diana, who was viewing the news, saw a report of a "harpy" attacking civilians when she broke through the wall and went to find the creature.

Wonder Woman is then seen walking through DC, asking for the location of the "harpy". Civilians run away and look pretty terrified, and seeing how she is wielding a sword openly, they have reason to be. We get to see Diana's softer, even somewhat naive, side when a small girl named Raquel approaches her excitedly.

Diana herself is surprised that Raquel is not afraid, and even thanks her for being willing to speak with her. I thought this was a nice touch, showing that these heroes are accepted by innocent, kind hearted children. Especially more so than adults, who are usually very wary of individuals. I mean, in real life, yeah, we all "grow up" and stop taking things at face value. Look at people that we may have looked up to in life. Athletes, politicians, actors, musicians... celebrities who have fallen far over moral lapses and other indiscretions. Eventually, we begin to realize that our heroes have flaws, and we become cynical. But, again, this scene with Wonder Woman and Raquel made me smile. It may have just been me, but whatever.

Anyway, back to the story.

As Diana and Raquel are enjoying ice cream (Diana's first time), Colonel Trevor shows up and demands that Diana returns to the Pentagon. As her appointed liaison, he is concerned over her image and any collateral damage to civilians from her actions. I like this change in his character, making him her liaison gives him a reason to stay around. Let's face it, guys. If we were in a relationship with a girl who was a super-powered being, like Trevor and Diana's relationship is shown, it would probably be difficult to feel like we matter. The relationship probably wouldn't last long. But, this new design shows Steve needing to be around because Diana does not understand "Man's world", and he needs to help her through it. Therefore, Steve Trevor has a purpose.
He shows his concern for Diana briefly, saying that he doesn't want anyone hurt, especially not her, but that soft moment is interrupted by the appearance of one of the creatures that Batman and Green Lantern were up against in the first issue. As the creature (which we know now to be an Apokoliptic soldier) opens a Boom-Tube, Diana readies for battle, showing great excitement over finding a fight as good as these creatures will provide.

See, in an earlier discussion, Wonder Woman tells Trevor her reason for staying in man's world: "There is... a darkness here. One I'm going to fight." Her purpose in this world is to fight darkness. Whether that darkness is in men's hearts or some evil force rising is unclear. But Wonder Woman is a born warrior. She has been training to fight her whole life, and she is putting it to good use now. Especially as Darkseid's invasion seems to be happening now. Her excitement is understandable.

Our story now shifts back to the S.T.A.R. Labs story, with Silas and Victor Stone. After the opening of the Boom Tube, the creatures are now carrying people off, into the sky. (One of them is Professor Ivo, eventual creator of Amazo). Dr. Stone is cradling his son, worrying for his life. He refuses to watch his son die, despite protests from other doctors in the room, who are imploring him to leave.

Quickly, we cut back to Metropolis, where Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, and the Flash are doing what they do best- Defending the Earth. Flash is listening to radio broadcasts from all around the world in his earpiece, and people worldwide believe these creatures are "demons" and that "Judgment Day" has begun. And they are blaming super-humans for it.

A little side point here- I don't know if the Flash has always had an earpiece for this purpose or not, but well done. It makes perfect sense for the Flash, a character who moves at close to, if not faster than, the speed of light to be able to hear problems from every part of the planet so he can be everywhere at a moment's notice. After all, he doesn't have the ability to hear everything, like Superman. If this is a new addition, then keep it up.

As they fight, we see a few more instances of each individual's personalities. Green Lantern gets aggravated as Batman tells him to concentrate, since his constructs are collapsing, and then GL shoots back, telling Batman to worry about himself since he has no powers. Flash, who never knew this, vocalizes that he always thought Batman was at least a vampire or something.

The story continuously flips from Metropolis to Detroit, where Dr. Silas Stone and his colleagues manage to get into the "Red Room". At this point, Victor seems to be glowing red and his father lays him on a chair. He vocalizes to his father that it hurts. Rightly so, since we learn that an unknown energy is eating him from the inside. Dr. Stone decides that he's going to save his son using the technology in the room. Victor is then injected with nanites and his face and body is covered in his familiar "cyborg" form, which we learn is called the Promethium skin graft. Despite concerns of his body rejecting the graft (From Dr. Morrow, the future creator of Red Tornado), the nanites are activated and Victor screams. We then see the first appearance of the Dark Lord himself, Darkseid. It appears that Victor's mind is somehow connected to Apokolips.

The League, now with Wonder Woman at their side, have a quiet period where they notice that the creatures are circling a spot over the ocean. Just then, a large tower rises from the ocean, as Victor's skin graft goes online (May not be related. But just in case it is, wanted to get the timing right).

As Green Lantern vocalizes his concern over what it may be, a voice behind them says "I was hoping you could tell me". Aquaman has risen. And he looks to take charge of the group.

Overall, I give the issue a seven or eight out of ten. Again, all the characters are being developed great. Wonder Woman is a strong-willed, warrior woman. And Aquaman appears to have the classic ego complex. Being a king, and used to giving orders, this personality makes sense. It will be interesting to see how the others react to Aquaman's demand to lead. However, it was more of a filler than the last two issues, which put a lot of emphasis on specific characters. Granted, Wonder Woman was focused on in the first quarter of the issue and it was great. And there was really no more developments on the obvious invasion of Apokolips.

Not a problem though. Still a great relaunch. And I would like to say this version of Wonder Woman, including her costume, would be great for a movie. Just my observation.

Looking forward to numero quatro. 

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Dome IV-Dragon Siege-

Areas of Interest: Central point, of course, is a large castle. With a king, queen, and a very stereotypical princess in it. Around the castle, on all sides, is a village with peasants and markets.

To the north, is a valley with a regiment of soldiers and knights. On the other side of the valley are more knights and soldiers. They are poised for an epic war over the planned marriage of the princess to the other side's prince. Don't worry too much about that. It's mostly for show.

A dark, mysterious forest surrounds the village to the East and South. Within them are highway men a la Robin Hood and the Merry Men.

The west has the highlight. A large, sharp mountain with a dragon in his lair at the top. He is about the size of a T-Rex, with wings. Of course, he breathes fire.

Base Locations:
1) At the foot of Dragon Mountain, in a smaller cave.
2) Deep in the dark forest, not far from the road.
Programmed Hazard: Dragon's Siege of Castle. 'Nuff said.

Arena Descriptions- DOME III- GARDEN PARTY


Areas of Interest: Who has had the displeasure of sitting through Pride and Prejudice? Well, let's allow a battle to happen in that setting! Picture four miles of English countryside, with a beautiful lake, and misty meadows. Centered on this lovely picture is a manor house, and all the guests are arriving for a garden party to take place in the central garden, with a scrumptious dinner to follow. The evening will end with a dance party inside the house.
But let's ignore that. And let our combatants tear... it... up!

Base Locations:
1) In an abandoned farm house, on the lake to the East.
2) In the village, located all the way to the West.

Programmed Hazard: Fog and Rain with very, very strong wind... You know what? Screw it. A meteor shower, with basketball sized meteors. Let's destroy this place.

Arena Descriptions- DOME II- CARIBBEAN COVE


Areas of Interest: A village on a Caribbean island. In the style of Port Royal from the Pirates of the Caribbean films. The ports will be dead centered in the arena, with the village behind it and around, with many people going about their everyday business. Above the village on the mountain is a Governor's mansion, filled with treasures and the wealthy family themselves having a dinner party.

Of course, to the East, stretches an Ocean, filled with ships heading into the beautiful port. Some of them are honest traders and others... Well, we'll just have to wait and see.

To the North of the village itself, lies a British fort filled with British soldiers always on the ready for pirates. And they should be, at the Southern most tip of the cove itself, is a pirate ship. The ship is anchored and the crew is burying treasure on shore, while drunk of course.

Base Locations:
1) Located in the British fort.
2) Located on board the pirate ship on the far side of the island.
Programmed Hazard: Pirate invasion that starts in the village. The British will intervene with a counter attack.

HV-II: It's Arena Time! DOME I- SHOWDOWN

Okay! Here we go! Let's get the arena descriptions done so we can get to some good old fashion mayhem.  

Just like last time, six new combat domes have been built for the second Hero/Villain Playoff Challenge. Like before, each dome will be four square miles in area and will have a programmed hazard that will affect our combatants. This time, though, each one will be based on different periods of time. And, for the first time, our combatants will be joined by realistic, robotic beings resembling people and creatures from the time represented. Some will be peaceful and others very, very hostile.

This post will cover the first arena...


Areas of Interest: An area resembling the American Southwest during the mid 19th century. The center is a western town with a saloon, sheriff’s office, and a bank. Toward the northern end of town, is a railroad depot with tracks that run east to west and a train that arrives at 10 am. Within the town are actual townsfolk, doing their everyday business.

To the west is a Cavalry fort with an actual Cavalry regiment. In the east is a mining area in the hills with people desperate to cash in on gold deposits found years ago in the caves.

South sits a large desert area with buttes and mesas. And a cattle ranch with an angry, somewhat insane rancher completes the arena to the north.

Base Locations:
1) The first base is located in a hidden cave near the mining facility.
2) Inside the stockade of the Cavalry fort.

Programmed Hazard: Bandits will rob the bank at noon. This will lead to the sheriff and deputy intervening and, if it lasts long enough, the Cavalry will arrive.   

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Intro to Hero/Villain Playoff Challenge- Part II

Its been a while since this...

I love Grudge Matches. I don't know what it is, but I enjoy theoretical fights, or team ups between fictional characters. And since I seemed to find a few kindred spirits on Flickr, in the summer of 2009 I started a massive playoff bracket, as seen below. The rules were simple: A team of a hero and their greatest villain (i.e. Batman and the Joker; Captain Kirk and Khan) were pitted against others to see who would come out number one. (For the record, the winner can be found here. Also, click here if you would like to see the master bracket, with links to all the matches)

Well, its been over two years, and I'm ready for round 2. Its time for "The Hero/Villain Playoff Challenge- Part II (Or, HV-II, as I'll be abbreviating it). As before, four divisions will be represented: Comics, Movies/TV, Video Games, and Animation. Eight teams have been selected, and they will be revealed shortly (Just a few character summaries to write up, then its go time).

Soon, I'll be posting the rules for HV-II, which have been slightly altered. As well as the four new "Domes" (Artificial arenas built on the moon for just such battles) built specifically for this playoff. (Again, to see the old ones, click hereherehere, and here)

Voting will be allowed on this blog, and on the links to the matches from my Facebook account. This will be the first time I'll use another site besides for Flickr for this. Hoping for the best, and I hope you all enjoy.