Sunday, November 13, 2011

Arena Descriptions- DOME II- CARIBBEAN COVE


Areas of Interest: A village on a Caribbean island. In the style of Port Royal from the Pirates of the Caribbean films. The ports will be dead centered in the arena, with the village behind it and around, with many people going about their everyday business. Above the village on the mountain is a Governor's mansion, filled with treasures and the wealthy family themselves having a dinner party.

Of course, to the East, stretches an Ocean, filled with ships heading into the beautiful port. Some of them are honest traders and others... Well, we'll just have to wait and see.

To the North of the village itself, lies a British fort filled with British soldiers always on the ready for pirates. And they should be, at the Southern most tip of the cove itself, is a pirate ship. The ship is anchored and the crew is burying treasure on shore, while drunk of course.

Base Locations:
1) Located in the British fort.
2) Located on board the pirate ship on the far side of the island.
Programmed Hazard: Pirate invasion that starts in the village. The British will intervene with a counter attack.

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